12 Questions for the Year-End and New Year

by | Dec 17, 2012 | 0 comments

UPDATE: There’s a brand new set of questions for Dec 2020/Jan 2021! Get them here: Before you kick 2020 to the curb ask these 12 Questions

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This was first posted on my TGIMworklife blog (now directed to this blog). And later on it turned into a similar article in the Globe and Mail.

T’is the season! Each December, I honour my annual tradition of reflecting on the year past and the year ahead. I focus this reflection with 12 questions and share them on my blog and newsletter. I am already starting my reflection and invite you to do the same.  I love this kind of reflection! Noting highlights and lessons learned; how I have evolved; the memorable moments and the various goals I’ve advanced towards – and more. Often, I’m surprised by how much I achieved. As we trudge through our busy lives we are often thinking about all we have not done or achieved. So I invite you to reflect on these questions to take stock and celebrate 2012 and reflect on your intentions and aspirations for 2013.

New year 2013



The Year Past:   

 1) What went well? Identify the goals you accomplished or advanced towards; and note anything else that went well and is worth highlighting.

 2) In what ways did you grow and evolve in the ‘evolution of you’? How were you tested or challenged and how did you grow as a result? What new skills, knowledge, ideas and insights  (life, work, other) have made you better or different from the beginning of the year?

 3) What were your favorite moments of 2012? Savouring positive experiences has been proven to be a success strategy for building optimism, resilience and mojo – all essential ingredients to personal and professional wellbeing!

4) What do you need to clean-out or let go of right now from the year past to be ready to start fresh in 2013? Consider both your physical space (your office, your home) as well as your emotional and mental mindsets.

5) What and who are you most grateful for right now? Consider the people in your life; the circumstances; the gifts; make this a juicy list!

 6) If there was a theme for 2012 for you personally, what would it be? i.e. “This was the year of ____.”

 The Year Ahead:   

  7) What are your goals for 2013? Consider professional goals as well as personal goals. Consider small, medium and BHAG goals (big hairy audacious goals).

  8 ) What of your strengths and assets will you deliberately use more of in the year ahead to realize your goals? Consider your personal strengths but also your assets such as your network, knowledge, experience and more. Make a plan.

 9) In what ways will you take care of your personal wellbeing to maintain or boost your “Mojo” – resilience, energy, inspiration and sense of wellbeing? Take time to reflect on your physical wellbeing as well as your mental and emotional wellbeing. If you were at your peak – what would that look like? What needs to happen to bridge the gap from where you are today to where you want to be? Make a plan.

 10) In what ways will you take care of your professional wellbeing to boost or maintain your work-life aspirations and career mojo? What new skills will you acquire or deepen? How will you foster/grow your network? What new challenges will you take on? And what support might you call on to help you achieve your professional goals?

 11) In what ways will you contribute something to the ‘greater good’  of _____ (choose a community or communities of choice)?

  12) If the year ahead is to have a personal theme for you, what would that be? i.e. “This will be the year of ____” 

 Here’s to celebrating the past and gearing up for the future. And making each day count along the way. To your personal, professional wellbeing and TGIM work + life!



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