Eileen’s Bio

Eileen Chadnick, PCC, ACPC,  is principal of Big Cheese Coaching which she established in 2003.  An ICF credentialed coach and two-time ICF Prism Award winner. Also, an  experienced business communicator and a former wellness/fitness professional. Eileen has also written a book, called: Ease, a book offering strategies to manage overwhelm in times of ‘crazy busy’.

A champion for personal, professional and organizational success and wellbeing, Eileen serves mandates related to: Leadership development, executive communications and career management, employee engagement, corporate culture, communications (executive and organizational), and work-life engagement.

Over the years, Eileen has designed, lead, and facilitated workshops and many learning and engagement initiatives (online and in-person).  In addition to various corporate engagements, Eileen has been a member of the external faculty of trainers for workshops and webinars at UoT since 2014. She is also a faculty member with People Dynamics Leadership Inc. a training company teaching coaching skills to leaders via the Business Coaching Advantage™ Certification Program. Eileen has also designed and facilitated ‘leader as coach’ programs offered through the Ontario Library Services — notably the leadership academy (APLL).

She brings a multi-disciplined focus to her work. She draws from emotional intelligence, positive psychology, neuroscience — and now the burgeoning field of Conversational Intelligence® (C-IQ®) to help clients strengthen their personal awareness and build new skills to more powerfully navigate the complexities, opportunities and goals within their work and life.

Eileen became one of the Globe and Mail’s Careers contributing freelance columnists in 2007, contributing articles frequently for more than a decade. Additionally, has been frequently asked to provide insights on a range of career and work-life issues for various articles and has been featured in: National Post, Canadian Business Magazine, Toronto Star, CBC Television and Radio, Advisor’s Edge Magazine, Investment Executive, Wall Street Journal, Canadian HR Reporter, Rogers Television, Metro News, Choice Magazine — and others.

Credentials: Eileen completed coach training and certification at the school of Adler International Learning and is an Adler Certified Professional Coach (ACPC). She has also earned her PCC credential (an advanced coaching credential) from the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and also holds certification in both the BarON EQi 2.0® and EQ360 emotional intelligence assessments – and more. In her coaching practice, Eileen’s approach is aligned with the standards of the International Coach Federation and commits to integrity and the Code of Ethics – putting the client’s interests at the forefront and driver of the agenda. Eileen earned a Bachelor of Education from McGill University, majoring in fitness, and has earlier in her career she taught fitness and wellness (for eight years).

Experience: In addition to her work with Big Cheese Coaching since 2003, Eileen is an Accredited Business Communicator (ABC) and has successfully operated her own communications consulting firm, Chadnick Communications, since 1998. Prior to establishing her own company, Eileen held progressively senior-level communications roles with two of Canada’s leading PR agencies (Hill and Knowlton and Environics Communications), a Canadian bank and a financial services payments association (Mondex Canada). Over the years, Eileen has served a wide roster of top tier clients in financial services, business and consumer products, education and other sectors. Notably, Eileen has had a 10-year relationship with Financial Planning Standards Council (FPSC), as ongoing provider of strategic communications and PR services.

Awards: Eileen is a two-time recipient of an International Coach Federation Prism Award – recognizing excellence in leadership and performance coaching for her work with Tribute Communities and the Ontario Library Service. She has also received Ovation and Gold Quill awards of excellence for her writing and media relations work from the International Association of Business Communicators.

A Champion of Wellbeing: Eileen stands for wellbeing –at the personal, professional and organizational level. She brings this philosophy to her life and her work and invites others who want to play it ‘big’ to do the same.



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