Set Intentions to Stick With Your Goals

by | Jan 27, 2025 | 0 comments

Note: a version of this article has also been published at the Globe and Mail.  

I love fresh starts. There’s often lots of hope associated with new beginnings. That’s why birthdays and a new year can often inspire one to create something new in their life (and/or work). Perhaps you have named some goals or aspirations or even a mantra or theme for this fresh new year at hand?

But it can be hard work to stick with goals. Busy work and life can be fierce competitors for our attention, time, and focus. This is why many people have become disheartened with setting new year goals (or worse, resolutions). Year after year they name them but have trouble sticking to them as other priorities win the day.

Can you relate? Wondering what the key is to sticking to goals?


Before you toss the towel in on those lovely aspirations, consider that perhaps you just might need a recalibration of sorts to get your focus back and into some purposeful action. Goals are good for you! Or rather, the right kind of goals can be good for you. They help us self actualize, learn, grow, and create more meaning in our lives.

As we head into February (some refer to it as the month of blahs), take heart (also a good theme for February – aka Valentines), take another look at your goals and see if you can get back on track. Here are some thoughts.

Firstly, don’t get bogged down in the language and ‘rules’ of goals. But do embrace the power of intentions! 

The Language of Goals:

“Goals”  mean different things to different people. Some people have a fairly formal take on goals. E.g. perhaps they think of them as needing to be specific and well-defined, measurable, actionable, and time-sensitive (often referred to as ‘SMART’ goals). They may be oriented to detailed planning. For others, goals are just another way of saying, “I want something different, and I plan to make it happen.” They may take a less fulsome approach to planning and maybe just get started and see what happens from there.

Context matters. Indeed, some goals are meant for more concrete planning and measurement, and others less so. For instance, work related goals may require more rigour and detailed plans. For instance, increase sales by x% by year-end. Earn a promotion; expand network, etc. Or on the personal side, run a marathon!

But other goals can be less tangibly visible or measurable yet very heartfelt, experiential and very  meaningful. For instance, a goal oriented to one’s ‘inner world’ (of feelings and experience) such as, feeling less stressed; being more engaged at work (and life); becoming more confident, or happier, etc.

All worthy and each might warrant a different path to making it happen. While there is lots of science and discipline around goal setting and achievement — for now I want to invite you to NOT get overly bogged down by doing it ‘perfectly right’. There are many right ways to pursue change and make good things happen in your life.

I’d like to invite you to think more about the power of settings intentions.

The Power of Intentions as a Path to Making Stuff Happen.

What is often missing from people’s goal setting is getting really clear on what they truly want and are willing to do to make it happen. Intentions can make a difference. This requires reflection and commitment: What will I do? What will I focus on? What can I count on myself for? And more.

Intentions cultivate a roadmap of focus, purposeful action and mindsets that empower. For instance, if  your goal is to earn a promotion, then drill down and ask yourself what within your sphere of influence do you need to take responsibility for;  and what will you commit to?

Perhaps this may involve learning new skills; having career conversations with your boss; developing yourself in different ways.

The careerist seeking a promotion might set intentions to learn more about something related to their desired goal; to take a course to advance their skills and knowledge; or to take more leadership on a project that has potential for visibility, impact, and a chance to showcase their potential.

In addition to actions, intentions can also be attitudinal and oriented to mindset. For instance, a young  professional wanting to progress in their career but who lacks confidence and tends to be overly silent in meetings, might set intentions such as:

Today my intention is to be courageous (even if I feel scared) to speak up at least once in the meeting.” Or “today I will remind myself to be more aware of my strengths, abilities and potential instead of self judgment and overly focusing on what I cannot yet do.”

An individual feeling distraught from all the woes in the world and the stresses in their life, may have a goal to be heartier and happier despite the tough stuff. They might set an intention to ‘notice the good in the day’ no matter how much tough stuff happens.

Create the Habit of Setting Intentions.

  • Don’t start your day without setting intentions: For greatest impact, it is important to be consistent and stay in the focus. You may also set intentions for the week, month, year or other timeframes.
  • Include both actionable and mindset-oriented intentions: Don’t underestimate how powerful mindsets are for fueling purposeful action.
  • Don’t be afraid to go small: Tiny goals and intentions can add up over time. Many big goals are made up of many parts. E.g. Today I will reach out to just one person to expand my network.
  • Check in regularly with yourself. Hold yourself accountable and stay in touch with how you are honouring your intentions. When things don’t go well, be curious, open and patient with yourself and see what you can learn or modify.

Ready to dust off those goals and aspirations and give this another try? The rewards await.

Eileen Chadnick, PCC, of Big Cheese Coaching, is an ICF credentialed, two-time ICF (International Coaching Federation) Prism award winner, who works with leaders (emerging to experienced), and organizations, on navigating, leading and flourishing in times of flux, opportunity and challenge. She is the author of Ease: Manage Overwhelm in Times of Crazy Busy.


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