An annual tradition, please see below my 2024/2025 12 Questions. A version of this is also published in my column at the Globe and Mail.
Wow, 2025! That has a real ring to it, doesn’t it. Well before we ring in the new year, it’s time to take stock of the year past and to look ahead and get ready for the new year.
This will be the 13th year of my annual tradition of sharing 12 reflection prompts! As always, you will see some repeats from previous years. Not because I couldn’t think of new ones, but, rather, because there is merit in asking certain questions every year. I have new questions this year too! It’s been a tough year for many with the economy, world issues, and work demands creating stress and pressure for so many of us so this will be reflected in many of the questions and some links to further resources to help you dig in further.
Ready to dive in? Get your tea (or coffee, or other) – cozy up and give yourself the gift of reflection.
#1 What went well?
Yes, this is ALWAYS the first question I ask. In fact, we should be asking it every single day. Things don’t always go well but our brains persist in holding on to the negative. The positive gets short-shifted. Blame it on the brain – it has a negative bias. But recalling the good (even tiny bits) is a healthy practice and fuels us forward. A balanced perspective helps us navigate tough stuff, good stuff, and uses more of our brains, our good will, and generosity. So take good time with this question. You will be rewarded!
#2 How have you grown?
If this questions stumps you then you might be minimizing the growth you have had. We live, experience, learn, celebrate, sometimes suffer, and so on. Every year brings a wealth of experiences that can change us for the better. Think back to your year of work, personal life, challenges, opportunities. Take stock in all the ways you rose to the challenges, further developed yourself, and learned new skills and a way of being. Perhaps you became heartier and more resilient, able to withstand some tough stuff. Maybe you became softer and more compassionate (with others and with yourself) – so needed in these times.
#3 What and who were your teachers?
This is one of my favorite questions that I often ask. Things, people, experiences come our way every day and often teach us something. Perhaps a boss (or mentor, colleague, or other) supported your growth. A book or course might have broadened your perspective. It could even have been just a comment you heard off the cuff. Or a tough experience brought invaluable lessons to you. You may have been your own teacher at times and self generated new wisdom? Name your “teachers” and give thanks to (and for) them.
#4 What needs to be acknowledged and celebrated (in yourself)?
How often do we gloss over our own accomplishments? Recognizing our own accomplishments (small or large) boosts confidence, performance, and resilience. Perhaps you did something that was courageous. Maybe you challenged yourself to step up to a new (and daunting) experience. Learned to say no more often? Set boundaries? Or you showed up for generously for someone or even yourself? Don’t be a grinch. Give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back or a high five!
#5 What needs to stay around for another year and what needs to go?
Have you started something (a goal, an intention, a hobby) that is worth continuing into the new year? Or maybe let some old, dusty goals go? What else needs to go? Letting bad habits drain your energy? Doing things the same way but they just aren’t working for the times we are in (work and life)? Give this a good think and choose carefully to free up some space for aspirations that are more meaningful for you.
#6 Give the year past a name to honour it before you let it go. 2024 was the year of ______.
#7 What do you want for the year ahead?
What do you really want and are willing to put some effort and skin in the game to get it? Consider career and personal contexts. Having clarity of aspirations helps you set more meaningful goals. All the better if you put some intention and effort behind it.
#8 How will you cultivate hope?
I’m often reminded how crucial hope really is for our wellbeing, resilience — and even for the pursuit of our goals. Hope is both an emotion and a strength and we can cultivate and strengthen what I refer as a personal ‘hope index’. We do this with our perspectives and purposeful action. How will you cultivate your hope index in the year ahead?
#9 How will you stay positive when the world keeps throwing tough stuff your way?
It’s been a tough year for many. The news of the day (wars, cost of living, violence, etc.) takes a lot of our attention. How do you balance out the tough stuff with some positive attention? There are many ways. Here’s just one example: This year I resurrected a micro-journaling habit that prompts me to intentionally look for and notice moments of beauty, awe, and goodness (“BAG”). I log them in an ongoing journal that I call my BAG log. It’s nice to see the bag fill up with good stuff amidst all the noise of so much chaos in our world.
#10 Where do you need to slow down?
With today’s crazy paced work lives many people have adopted efficiency as their mantra. Get it done and do it quick! Efficiency is good, until it isn’t. Overly efficient, rushed work can cause unintended consequences. Burnout, relationships, communication mishaps? Watch out for efficiency mishaps and reflect on where it makes sense for you to slow down.
#11 How will you bring more ‘new and fresh’ into your life?
Many of us are creatures of habit. Not a bad thing. But freshening up our work and our personal lives with new and fresh pursuits can really spark things up and help us grow. It can be meeting new people; learning something new; trying out new experiences. Seeing new places. What’s your new and fresh going to look like in the year ahead? This may be fodder for next year’s reflection (ref: how have you grown?)
#12 Give your year ahead a personal theme or mantra. 2025 will be the year of ________
Here’s to a great finish to the current year! And a fresh start, and a meaningful year ahead!
Eileen Chadnick, PCC, of Big Cheese Coaching, is an ICF credentialed, two-time ICF (International Coaching Federation) Prism award winner, who works with leaders (emerging to experienced), and organizations, on navigating, leading and flourishing in times of flux, opportunity and challenge. She is the author of Ease: Manage Overwhelm in Times of Crazy Busy.
Hi Eileen, Liz’s friend Suzanne here. I had no idea that you were such a “big cheese”!
This is a really insightful tool. I glanced over the questions briefly and will dig in over the next few days.
Happy holidays, merry Christmas and all the best for 2025, which I will call the Year of Refocus.
Hello Suzanne! How nice to hear from you. And so glad you appreciate the reflection prompts. I am also looking forward to diving into my own personal reflection in the comming days/weeks. Wishing you the very best for this holiday season and a strong, wonderful start to the new year!
Great article. Thank you so much for sharing. A great reminder as to how to approach the new year with less stress and more openness. I love the questions you ask and offer an approach to get there is the simplest form. Enjoy the fresh start to a hopeful and light filled year.
Thank you Sam! So nice of you to comment. And thank you for all of your amazing guidance and inspiration in your most lovely Iyangar yoga classes. A big, beautiful ‘good thing’ in my year! All the best!