Leadership – Learning – Life!

Inspiring personal, professional, and organizational wellbeing….
for leaders at work and in life.

Latest News!!

BREAKING NEWS! Eileen Chadnick Wins ICF Prism Award with Ontario Library Service

New! Trouble with a New Boss? Manage Up! (Globe and Mail column).

Been Ditched or Blindsided in Career? How to Move Forward (see blog)

Convenience vs. Connection: Back to Work Dilemmas

Learning! Virtual courses, webinars, group learning available now.

Meet Eileen

Welcome! I’m Eileen Chadnick, principal of Big Cheese Coaching.  I founded Big Cheese Coaching in 2003 to inspire greater personal, professional and organizational wellbeing.  What is it to love your work and your life? To excel, flourish and….

What I Do

Career Coaching, Leadership Development, Executive Coaching; Workshops & Webinars; Assessments; Expertise in Emotional Intelligence, Conversational Intelligence, Positivity, Communications, Leadership – and more.

Eileen’s Book

What would it be like to experience more ease in your work and life? Check out Eileen’s book: Ease offering “ease-y” tips and strategies to manage overwhelm in times of “crazy busy”. Easy but backed by neuroscience and more.

Latest Blog Posts

Efficiency is Great. Except For When it Isn’t.

Efficiency is Great. Except For When it Isn’t.

A version of this article has also been published in my column at the Globe and Mail. See it here. With today’s heavy workloads it is a good idea to find ways to be more efficient to stay on top of the escalating loads. For some people efficiency becomes their driving...

Leadership Woes? Recalibrate for Confidence and Success

Leadership Woes? Recalibrate for Confidence and Success

A version of this article has also been published in my column at the Globe and Mail (see it here). Congratulations – you’ve been promoted. After earning your stripes as a high-performing contributor, you are now a manager and responsible for leading others. No...

Leaderly Love: Getting Any? Giving Any?

Leaderly Love: Getting Any? Giving Any?

A version of this article has been published at the Globe and Mail. February, the month most often attributed to the winter blahs (aka February blahs). But it is also known for something else: The month of love! Valentines day comes and goes. But may not be everyone’s...

The Hope Index – And How to Boost it!

The Hope Index – And How to Boost it!

**VIDEO: Eileen Talks about The Hope Index and Shares Tips!** Early in this new year, I’ve been thinking (and feeling) a lot about hope. How about you? Feeling hopeful? Hopeless? Something in between? You might say it varies and fluctuates depending on what’s going on...

12 Reflection Questions to Complete 2023 and Get Ready for 2024

12 Reflection Questions to Complete 2023 and Get Ready for 2024

A version of this article was also published at the Globe and Mail. See the Globe and Mail version here.  VIDEOS: Eileen Chadnick kicks off her 12th annual tradition of offering 12 reflection questions and share a little bit personally too. AND – hear about why “Ta...

Leaders: What if my direct reports know more than me?

Leaders: What if my direct reports know more than me?

A version of this article was also published in my column at the Globe and Mail. It can be daunting for emerging leaders to find their ‘sea legs’ in the early days of a new managing role, especially when one’s direct reports seemingly have more experience and deeper...

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