Meet Eileen

Welcome! I’m Eileen Chadnick, principal of Big Cheese Coaching.  I founded Big Cheese Coaching in 2003 to inspire greater personal, professional and organizational wellbeing.  What is it to love your work and your life? To excel, flourish and….

What I Do

Career Coaching, Leadership Development, Executive Coaching; Workshops & Webinars; Assessments; Expertise in Emotional Intelligence, Conversational Intelligence, Positivity, Communications, Leadership – and more.

Eileen’s Book

What would it be like to experience more ease in your work and life? Check out Eileen’s book: Ease offering “ease-y” tips and strategies to manage overwhelm in times of “crazy busy”. Easy but backed by neuroscience and more.

Latest Blog Posts

Look Back To Plan Ahead – 12 Year-end Reflection Questions

Look Back To Plan Ahead – 12 Year-end Reflection Questions

UPDATE: There’s a brand new set of questions for Dec 2020/Jan 2021! Get them here: Before you kick 2020 to the curb ask these 12 Questions --- Note: A version of this article was also published at the Globe and Mail as well as the Huffington Post The end of the year...

Manage the “Season of Rush” With Ease

Manage the “Season of Rush” With Ease

(A seasonal favorite - reposting this article as a reminder as we enter the last few weeks of the year) A version of this article has also been published in the Globe and Mail. See it here! It’s that time of the year: finishing off work assignments for the year-end;...

5 Ways to Beat the Back to Work Blues

5 Ways to Beat the Back to Work Blues

UPDATE NOTE: Are you suffering from back to work blahs? This article was originally written in 2014 but the tips are still relevant for today as you get into the back to work mode after a holiday. I am reposting to help make your 're-entry' back to work easier.  --- I...

Webinar (Career): Are you Ready for the Innovation Economy?

Webinar (Career): Are you Ready for the Innovation Economy?

Complimentary Webinar - limited spots - reserve now! Just when you thought you had it all figured out - things change again. Such is (and always will be) with careers and life in our ever-changing world. Yet while change has always been a fact of life – the pace and...

The Neuroscience of Making Potato Knishes (with Ease Excerpt)

The Neuroscience of Making Potato Knishes (with Ease Excerpt)

My Recipe for Recharging Creativity and "Think-ability" Do you ever feel like your thinking is a little sluggish - maybe even stuck? You have a problem but can't think your way through it? Or a creative challenge and you are feeling anything but creative? I experience...

August is like Sunday…

August is like Sunday…

***UPDATE*** This article was originally posted in 2014. It's worth a replay! Also see my article adapted from this blog post on Huffington Post: Six Ways to Beat the Back to September Blues. ---- It's early days in August and we still have time left in the summer....

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