Meet Eileen

Welcome! I’m Eileen Chadnick, principal of Big Cheese Coaching.  I founded Big Cheese Coaching in 2003 to inspire greater personal, professional and organizational wellbeing.  What is it to love your work and your life? To excel, flourish and….

What I Do

Career Coaching, Leadership Development, Executive Coaching; Workshops & Webinars; Assessments; Expertise in Emotional Intelligence, Conversational Intelligence, Positivity, Communications, Leadership – and more.

Eileen’s Book

What would it be like to experience more ease in your work and life? Check out Eileen’s book: Ease offering “ease-y” tips and strategies to manage overwhelm in times of “crazy busy”. Easy but backed by neuroscience and more.

Latest Blog Posts

What Do You Do When Your Boss Gets Fired?

What Do You Do When Your Boss Gets Fired?

I was recently invited to comment for an article Workopolis was doing titled: What to do when your boss gets fired. When your boss gets fired it can create uncertainty, some chaos – or, conversely, some opportunity. Some people will feel upset and potentially...

When Nothing is Wasted – Everything has Purpose

When Nothing is Wasted – Everything has Purpose

“Nothing is wasted. Everything has purpose.” I’ve been living in this mantra a lot these days. I’ve been using it with myself and with my clients. It’s a powerful perspective booster and the more I live into it the more I truly believe it. Not every experience feels...

7 Questions to Spring You Forward

7 Questions to Spring You Forward

REPOSTING FROM THE ARCHIVES. Note: an edited version of this post has been published by the Globe and Mail. Check it out here! A couple weeks ago I put away my winter jacket only to pull it out again a day later. Errgh and brrghh. This has been the winter that never...

How is Your Conversational Intelligence®?

How is Your Conversational Intelligence®?

Are Your Conversations Building Trust? This week I learned that more than 10,000 people have registered for my upcoming May 25th (12:30 pm ET) Webinar: “Conversations that Build Trust” (courtesy of CPA and American Express – see registration page here). And last...

Supercharge Your Listening Skills

Supercharge Your Listening Skills

NOTE: A version of this article was written for Charity Village. They are hosting a Webinar that I will be presenting -- and you are invited. Scroll down -- and see here for more! Think of a time when you were in a conversation and you felt truly heard. What did that...

Ready, Set, Go – with 5 Best Practices for Success

Ready, Set, Go – with 5 Best Practices for Success

I love a shiny new year. It holds so much promise. If you reflected on some of the 12 Questions to Look Beyond and Plan Ahead then you might be thinking about goals, opportunities and challenges for the year ahead. To be on your best game  it's a good idea to have...

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