***UPDATE NOTE*** Topics below also available in online/virtual offerings
PSSST. Coming soon! Hey there – before you read this article, a quick FYI: if you are an emerging, aspiring or even experienced leader, I’ll be launching a special membership soon to help you hone your leadership-ability skills. Much more to tell but if you want to be first in queue to hear more then get on the priority list to hear more. Click here to get on the Priority List to hear more.
In the meantime, read on for a bit more about what I offer (this page will soon be updated with more detail)…
If your organization is interested in exploring a workshop, presentation or talk – please get in touch. I offer customized programs as well as those from Signature themed offerings. You can also check out the testimonials page to hear what people say about Big Cheese Coaching workshops and presentations.
See below for a few of the many places I have been invited to speak, present, facilitate.
TOPICS: Some examples of workshop and presentation themes:
Conversational Intelligence® – Building Trust and Efficacy One Conversation at a Time
You Said What?! Listening to Connect
Finding Ease in Times of ‘Crazy Busy’ (based on my book, Ease: Manage Overwhelm in Times of Crazy Busy)
Coaching Skills for Leaders
Leadership-ability (ask me about my programs for emerging leaders!)
Addicted to Yes. Learn how to say no….
Hone the Positivity Advantage – Work, Life Mojo and Success
Emotional Intelligence at Work
Managing Conflict
UoT: Since 2014, I have been an external faculty presenter at UoT for both in person workshops and online presentations (webinars). I’ve presented in various departments and predominantly within the university’s ODLC (Organizational Development & Learning Centre) offerings.
Southern Ontario Library – head offices and several libraries; Conversational Intelligence (for staff– 2016-2019)
ARMA (Assoc, of Records Mgt) — Conversational Intelligence (2018)
The Globe and Mail/Staff — Finding Ease (2016)
Ryder Group — Finding Ease (2016)
Charity Village — Managing Conflict (with Conversational Intelligence); Finding Ease (2015/2016)
Ontario College of Teachers — Leadership, Finding Ease, Positivity (2015)
UoT Family Medicine Department — Annual Conference: Finding Ease in Times of Crazy Busy (April 2015)
Xerox Canada /Women’s Alliance Annual Conference: Hone the Positivity Advantage and Create Your Own Luck (November 2014)
Moody’s Canada: The Positivity Advantage (October 2014)
Editors Conference of Canada (June 2014): Career Mojo
UoT / staff development (October 2013 and March 2014): Brain-ability at Work
Fanshawe College (2010- 2014 twice annually): Coaching skills for Leaders (I developed a course and presented it bi-annually / offered to management staff)
H2 Marketing Central (November 2013): Brain-ability at Work
Sick Kids Hospital/Administrators (July 2013): Hone the Positivity Advantage in times of “crazy busy”
Red Mountain Resort, Utah (March 2013): From Frazzle to Flow; strategies to cope with times of ‘crazy busy’; and the Positivity Advantage
CCHRD – College Committee for Human Resource Development (Nov 2011): Collaboration that Works.
ProjectWorld/BusinessAnalystWorld Conference (2008. 2009, 2011)): Coaching Skills for Leaders.
IPAC Leadership Conference (Feb 2011): Emotional Intelligence for Leaders in the Public Sector.
AFOA National Conference (Feb 2011): Emotional Intelligence for First Nation Leaders.
Schulich Alumni Program (Feb 2011): Guest on Executive Coach Rountable for alumni and MBA students.
IFCA Annual Conference (October 2010): TGIM Work-life Plenary speech for communications and marketing professionals in the insurance and financial services sector.
Coaching Skills For Managers (Sept/Nov 2010, April 2011): A half day workshop as part of a “Performance Development” full day focus for leaders at a local community college. Call for further detail.
College Management Academy (Feb 2010): Coaching skills for leaders.
Ministry of Environment (June 2008): Strategies for a TGIM work+life
Centennial College (May 2008): Reflective Leaders Forum – 2 day workshop for senior leaders at the college.
Extendicare National Staff Conference (June 2007): Emotional Intelligence.